Shalom, I’m Fanny Horowitz.
I Studied Economics and I have a master’s degree in Business Administration. For many years I worked in the fields of Marketing and Branding until about ten years ago I followed my heart and made Art my only profession.
My Artworks are in diverse techniques: figurative works in oil on canvas, etchings in assorted techniques, as well as collage works on paper, which combines paper scraps which I paint with magazine clippings.
Inspired by my career in advertising, I refer to the impacts of modern communication technologies and modern means of communication on the identity and The Social Self of women in some of my oil Artworks.
My series of works ‘You’re Not from Here’, is a personal diary, documenting my coming to terms with Israeli culture. Each work is akin to a temporal interval in a confessional. Each work is a milestone in the process of moving away from the Rumanian culture into which I was born, and a curious, hesitant inquiry into the Israeli melting pot. In each work, different cultural strata dissolve and mesh together to form a new complex whole.
In my collages I build a fantastic reality. A fantasy about nowhere and everywhere. A reflection of our reality which is characterized by an overabundance of information, combined with the viewer’s desire to absorb as much as possible at a glance. A reality in which we are surrounded by flickering screens, where there is often no distinction between the private-intimate and the public, between our reality and the virtual screen we have chosen as a backdrop.
My works were exhibited in solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in Israel, Firenze, and New York and at Freshpaint Art fair 2021.
I live in Tel Aviv and work in my studio in the south Tel-Aviv industrial area, in the Contemporary Arts Center – Kiryat Hamelacha.